Shop Fit-Out Cleaning Melbourne and Sydney

>Shop Fit-Out Cleaning Melbourne and Sydney
Shop Fit-Out Cleaning Melbourne and Sydney 2020-01-31T10:00:19+00:00

Shop Fit-Out Cleaning Melbourne and Sydney

The last of the fittings have been put in place. Wiring and circuitry have been tested for function and safety. Your security system is up and running….

You’re about to hand over your newly-built retail space to the eventual tenant!

But before you do that, there’s one more thing you need to cross off your list…

If you guessed fit-out cleaning, you’d be correct!

While it might be the last thing on your to-do list, retail fit-out cleaning is a crucial to prepare your future retail space for opening day.

And when it comes to shop fit-out cleaning, you can’t go past Master Cleaners!

Book a Master Cleaner today!

Cleaning for retail spaces big and small

Shopping strips

Shops, cafes, takeaway stores… shopping strips feature a wide range of different retail spaces, each with its own requirements.

Luckily, this isn’t a challenge for Master Cleaners.

Our team regularly perform after-build cleaning for properties ranging from offices, to high-rises to houses – we can handle a new shop on the local strip!

Shopping centres

Our specialty is big, tough cleaning jobs. That includes large facilities such as newly-built or renovated shopping centres.

Our work doesn’t end once we’ve cleaned up construction messes. You can rely on our team to provide ongoing shopping centre cleaning when required.

Get your shopping centre clean and ready to open for business!

Store renovations

Converting an old warehouse or restaurant into a retail space?

Renovations and remodels come with a lot of cutting, drilling and installing – in many cases, they can be just as dirty and labour-intensive as a new build.

To ensure your commercial property is spotless when it’s handed over, you need a Master Cleaner – call us on 1800 11 22 34 to see how we can help you.

Ongoing builders cleaning

During construction and renovation jobs, removing rubbish, waste and debris is essential of you want to ensure your building team are protected and that your construction site is safe.

That means:

  • Removing hazards
  • Disposing of rubbish
  • Cleaning up spills
  • Picking out lost screws and nails

While your building team and contractors do their best to clean up after themselves, the truth is that most construction sites are busy places – with so many competing deadlines and tasks, it’s easy for cleaning duties to slip between the cracks.

Your professional cleaner’s one job on your construction site is to clean.

There’s nothing to distract them from the task of keeping your construction site spotless – this means a much more thorough clean.

It doesn’t matter what stage of construction you’re at. If you need builders cleaning for a new shop fit-out, you need Master Cleaners!

Let us Master what you can’t Clean

If it’s too tough, too dirty, or too big, we’ll Master it.

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