Cleaning Tips

>Cleaning Tips

Cleaning Tips is Vinegar a Worthwhile Cleaning Product

Vinegar has been touted as a high performing cleaning product seemingly since the dawn of time.......almost literally I have since found out. Before I sat down to write this blog, I pondered if I actually truly knew what vinegar even was. Before suggesting it for cleaning tips, I had gathered that it was acidic but didn't really know much about [...]

2019-10-28T06:07:28+00:00 October 31st, 2018|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Cleaning Tips is Vinegar a Worthwhile Cleaning Product

Cleaning Tips the Hidden Gem Called Bi Carb Soda

When strolling the aisles of your local supermarket, we are bombarded with countless cleaning products that all claim to offer astonishing results......some do and some don't. One product that is often bypassed and overlooked due to it's somewhat bland packaging is Bi-Carb Soda. Bi-Carb Soda has lots of uses but really does some heavy lifting in regard to cleaning jobs [...]

2019-10-28T06:11:53+00:00 October 26th, 2018|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Cleaning Tips the Hidden Gem Called Bi Carb Soda

Cleaning Tips a Cheat Sheet with Common Household Items

Just about every house in Australia has a pantry that contains lots of ''frequently kept" items on its shelves. Lots of items can be utilised for home cleaning tasks and everyday functions that are alternate to their original purpose for being bought. Let's run through a few and toss some ideas around that you could find helpful or get you [...]

2019-10-28T06:01:05+00:00 October 19th, 2018|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Cleaning Tips a Cheat Sheet with Common Household Items

Some Barbecue Cleaning Tips That You Can Implement Today

After being in the cleaning industry for over 30 years, I find that I have heard of so many cleaning tips and tricks......some work and some don't. Some are easy to implement and some aren't. The humble Barbecue is clearly cemented in Modern Australian history. Australians are firmly connected to the culture of cooking alfresco perhaps due to our great [...]

2019-10-28T07:24:19+00:00 October 12th, 2018|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Some Barbecue Cleaning Tips That You Can Implement Today

Cleaning Tips Frequently Asked Questions About Cacteria

Bacteria is around us all day every day. It breeds between 7 and 60 degrees celcius. Although bacteria is a dirty word, not all bacteria is bad for us. Here are FAQ to shed some light on the subject and some cleaning tips to keep bacteria at bay. Question: All bacteria is harmful to humans: False On the contrary: humans [...]

2019-10-28T06:03:30+00:00 October 5th, 2018|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Cleaning Tips Frequently Asked Questions About Cacteria

Call the Masters for professional Airbnb cleaning in Melbourne

Christmas is coming and cleaning’s a chore Soon your rellies will be at your door. If your kitchen is calling but you would rather a wine, Call the Master Cleaners team – they’ll make it shine. If you think that dusting’s just no fun, Call the Master Cleaners team and it will be done. If your bathroom needs a darn [...]

2019-10-28T07:26:51+00:00 December 12th, 2017|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Call the Masters for professional Airbnb cleaning in Melbourne