Cleaning Tips

>Cleaning Tips

What does construction cleaning in Melbourne include?

The construction process can be long and messy - at the end of the day however, it’s 100% worth it. Of course, you’ll have to clean up all the mess that construction generates before you can celebrate! We all know how much dirt, debris and other clutter can build up while construction goes on. Not only is it uncomfortable, but [...]

2020-10-07T23:54:13+00:00 April 14th, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on What does construction cleaning in Melbourne include?

Shop fit-out cleaning: everything you NEED to know

Your business’ grand opening is coming up — the thought of it leaves you feeling almost giddy with excitement! Everything’s in place: Electrical wiring? Check. Signage? Yep, that’s good. Security cameras? Up and running. Catalogue? Ready to be ordered. Staff? Trained up and ready to serve. But wait, there’s one more thing that is very important in your checklist:  shop [...]

2020-10-07T23:54:19+00:00 March 23rd, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, commercial cleaning|Comments Off on Shop fit-out cleaning: everything you NEED to know

Construction cleaning vs builders cleaning: what’s the difference?

Are you working on a construction project? Or moving into a newly-finished house? If so, a call to our cleaners in Melbourne and Sydney is in order! Among the many services our masterful cleaners offer are two that might interest you: Construction cleaning Builders cleaning They sound pretty similar at first blush. However, there’s a crucial difference between the two... [...]

2020-03-16T03:16:20+00:00 March 16th, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, commercial cleaning|Comments Off on Construction cleaning vs builders cleaning: what’s the difference?

Don’t DIY – call a professional for builders cleaning in Melbourne!

After all these months, it’s finally complete. But before you move on to the next job however, there’s just one more thing you need to do: clean up after yourself. Sure, you could get your team to stay behind to do your after-build cleaning - if you ask us however, what you should be doing is call a professional for [...]

2020-03-05T00:35:12+00:00 March 5th, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, commercial cleaning|Comments Off on Don’t DIY – call a professional for builders cleaning in Melbourne!

Home cleaning tips: the power of reducing waste

Let’s face it, nobody likes cleaning (our Masterful cleaners excepted, of course). If you’re like most people, you probably spend hours upon hours looking for ways to cut down on cleaning time. You look at new products, cleaning techniques and more - but have you looked at ways to reduce waste to begin with? Find out what you can do [...]

2020-01-30T03:37:30+00:00 January 29th, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Home cleaning tips: the power of reducing waste

What’s the link between cleanliness and mental health?

Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say. However, that isn’t the only thing that a clean home has going for it - it can also directly influence your mental health! One’s mental health refers to your overall emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Good mental health key to coping with the stresses of life, and your ability to function on [...]

2020-01-20T01:58:53+00:00 January 19th, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, commercial cleaning|Comments Off on What’s the link between cleanliness and mental health?

The essential construction cleaning checklist: do you have everything?

Dust, dirt, debris - building a home or commercial property can be a dirty affair. These are just some of the messes that are present in the typical construction site.  As such, construction cleaning is a crucial - not to mention, challenging - task. In addition to making the site more pleasant for handover, it’s also essential in keeping the [...]

2020-01-20T01:37:03+00:00 January 13th, 2020|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, commercial cleaning|Comments Off on The essential construction cleaning checklist: do you have everything?

Moving out? Get your bond back with our end of lease cleaning!

Moving house is stressful.  Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, have done it once or a dozen times, or are moving out with friends or your new partner, that fact doesn't change. You have to organise packers and movers, schedule time off work, and time everything so you’re not wasting money paying rent at your new place [...]

2019-12-20T08:39:29+00:00 December 20th, 2019|Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Moving out? Get your bond back with our end of lease cleaning!

Our end-of-lease cleaners in Sydney explain the essentials!

As all renters know, end-of-lease cleaning is one of the most important things you’ll do while living at a property. How clean you leave things behind could determine how much (if any) of your bond you get back! The mere thought of your end-of-lease-cleaning can be exhausting - as any experienced renter knows, there’s always something that gets overlooked.  Luckily, [...]

2019-12-05T10:23:08+00:00 November 25th, 2019|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips|Comments Off on Our end-of-lease cleaners in Sydney explain the essentials!

A cleaning service in Melbourne shares 6 bathroom cleaning mistakes

As many of us know, there seems to be a direct relationship between unpleasantness and importance. For example, the more disgusting medicine tastes, the more important it is for your health. Cleaning is no different in that regard. “Bathroom cleaning” -  just the mention of the word can make many homeowners groan. For many, bathroom cleaning isn’t their favourite cleaning [...]

2019-12-05T10:22:15+00:00 November 15th, 2019|Cleaning, Cleaning Tips, commercial cleaning|Comments Off on A cleaning service in Melbourne shares 6 bathroom cleaning mistakes